Q. Distinguish between: i) Active and passive attacks ii) Authentication and authorization
Q. What is the difference between monoalphabetics and polyphabetics cipher?
Q. Why is it important to study Feistal cipher.
Q. If one-time pads are provably secure, why are they so rarely used in practice ?
Q. What are the two problems with one time pad cipher ?
Q. What is the difference between block and stream cipher?
Q. Explain the term ‘Cryptography’ Give examples of basic types of transposition and substitution ciphers.
Q. Find primitive roots of 19.
Q. What is mean by Modular arithmetic & Exponentiation ?
Q. Find Greatest common Divisor gcd (120,70)
Q. Explain Euclidean algorithm and Extended Euclidean algorithm?
Q. How to compute Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Q. How to compute Discrete Logarithms .
Q. Explain Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorems.
Q. Comparison between Diffusion and Confusion.
Q. Explain use of secret splitting and sharing with working.
Q. What is mean by symmetric key algorithm and different types.
Q. What are the strengths of DES algorithm.
Q. With the help of the block diagram, explain the AES encryption and decryption processes in detail.
Q. Write notes on i) Blowfish and ii) PGP.
Q. What is meant by Cryptanalysis. Explain the types of attacks on encrypted messages know to cryptanalyst.
Q. In a public key system using RSA, you intercept the cipher text c=10 sent to a user whose public key is e=5,n=35. What is the plaintext M?
Q. Distinguish between differential and linear cryptanalysis.
Q. Explain any one symmetric key algorithm in detail with an example and vulnerabilities.
Q. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography.
Q. Define hash function, requirements of hash function and compare MD4 and MD5 algorithm.
Q. Explain Avalanche effect.
Q. Compare and contrast public and symmetric key system.
Q. Comparison between MD5 and SHA-1.
Q. Explain Double DES and triple DES.
Q. What are the different types of cipher block modes of operation? (ECB, CBC, CFB, What Counter mode)
Q. Explain the term Birthday attack.
Q. What is the contribution of the S-boxes , P-boxes and permutations.
Q. Difference between strong and weak collision resistance.
Q. What is key management? How keys are distributed ?
Q. Compare and contrast. Digital signature and digital certificates.
Q. What is the role of a CA and RA in the creation of digital certificate ?
Q. List and state 8 fields used for public key certificate X.509.
Q. What does it mean for a signed document to be verifiable, nonforgeable and nonrepudiable ?
Q. What is digital signature. Explain the steps to create a digital signature.
Q. With the example of Diffie-hellman algorithm explain man-in-middle attack.
Q. How does the PKI works in a world scenario.
Q. Explain Neeham Schroeder authentication protocol.
Q. Explain one way authentication and mutual authentication protocol.
Q. Explain the following with respect with X.509 : certificate renewal, revocation.
Q. What is a key distribution center ? What is a certificate authority.
Q. Consider a Diffie-Hellman scheme with a common prime q=11 and a primitive root =2.
Q. Differences between IDS and IPS.
Q. List the benefits of IPSec. What is the difference between transport and tunnel mode. What parameter identifies a security association (SA).
Q. List the goals of intrusion detection system.
Q. Draw header format for an ISAKMAP message.
Q. IPSec has two protocols – AH and ESP . Do you feel AH is necessary or can all functionality provided by AH be provided by ESP ? Explain.
Q. Explain SSL record protocol operation.
Q. What protocols comprise SSL ? What is the difference between SSL session and SSL connection ?
Q. What services are provided by SSL record and Handshake layer protocol ?
Q. What is mean by Internet key exchange protocol.
Q. Write a short notes on : Anomaly based, Signature based, Host based, Network based systems.
Q. Explain ISO 27001 security standard with purpose.
Q. What are the three stage audit process of ISO 27001.
Q. What is certification process of ISO 27001 and benefits .
Q. What do you mean by electronic payment. Explain different types and list the characteristics.
Q. Explain electronic payment process (E-Payment).
Q. What is Smart Card ? Explain its different types ?
Q. What is E-Cash (Electronic cash) ?
Q. What is mobile payment ? How it works ?
Q. Explain the process of SET (Secure Electronic Transactions)
Q. What is Electronic Wallets ?
Q. How can we secure e-payment ?
Q. Explain the term Payment over internet.
Q. Explain and draw a model for ISMS (Information security management system )of PDCA Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act Phase) .
Q. Stepwise list the payment authorization process.
Q. What is cybercrime? How do you define it?
Q. Explain in your own words what you understand about the global cooperation required in fighting against cybercrime.
Q. What are the different types of cybercriminals?
Q. What is identity theft? Explain different types with examples.
Q. What is the meaning of the term ‘cyber law’?
Q. What do you understand by the salient features of the Indian IT Act ?
Q. In your view, do 2008 amendments to the Indian IT Act address the cybercrime issues that may emanate from cybercafé? Explain.
Q. What do you mean computer forensics ? List the uses.
Q. Which types of data and techniques used for computer forensics.
Q. What is internet fraud and its types ?
Q. What is an industrial espionage ? and how it is carried out ?
Q. What is cyber terrorism.
Q. Explain the rules and procedure for collecting and analyzing electronic evidence.
Q. What are the online investigative tool, tracing and recovering electronic evidence.